For your customers to be able to invoke their data privacy rights, you will need to give them a place to request it.

That is the Data Subject Request portal.

You create a new portal or review existing portals by clicking on the DSR portal page.

Step 2. Create a New Portal.mp4

To create a new portal

Step 1

Click Add Portal.

DSR Portal step 1.png

Step 2

Add details according to what you want on the form, then on the right, define what request types you want to create. You can always add more request types to the form or remove some of them later.

Step 3

Click save & next.

DSR Portal step 2 and 3.png

Step 4

To edit the form, click on the edit button

Step 4 and 5.png

Step 5

The page is divided into 3 parts, header, body, and footer.  All can be edited.  You can select different templates for the form, Basic 1 is the recommended one, but you can review the rest and find the one that fits your needs.

Step 4 and 5 part 2.png

Step 6

Click save, and that's it.

step 4 and 5 part 3.png

Step 7

To review the DSR Portal you just created, go back to the DSR Portal page, then click on the portal link. This shows what your consumer will see when they submit a Data Subject Request.

step 6.png
