Adding a Domain

  1. Click on the Add New Domain button
  2. Enter the domain name
  3. Select the scan frequency that will scan a domain on the basis of the frequency (monthly, Half-yearly, yearly) and the report will be sent to the email address. By default, Monthly is selected.
  4. Select the User consent expiration in months - The ability to have the consent configured for a limited period of time. On the expiry of the consent, the user will be shown the banner again to get fresh consent. By default, 12 is selected
  5. Click on Add Domain

The detailed content of the page:

add domain.jpg

  1. Go to the Domains tab to view the domain name, # of cookies, impressions count, user consented count, user rejected count, number of dialogs, number of subdomains, expiration date (months), and status
  1. On hovering over the user-consented count, the tooltip by the user-consented number will show the breakdown of the user-consented numbers per type
  1. Connected - Banner is connected.
  2. Not connected - Banner is not connected
  3. Scanning- Domain scan is in progress.

Adding a Subdomain



  1. To add a subdomain, a dialog needs to be configured by clicking on the domain name.
  2. When a domain is added for the first time there will be no dialog and the status will be Not Connected
  3. You can add a Subdomain by clicking on Add New Subdomain
  4. Select domain will have a dropdown that is populated based on the domains
  5. Enter the Subdomain name and click on Add Subdomain.
  6. The subdomain should be mapped with the parent domain

add subdomain.jpg

Renew Consents

  1. To take consent from users again, on clicking Renew Consents button user consented and the user rejected data will be deleted & the banner will be displayed to all the users.

renew consent.jpg


  1. The filter option will give the user an option to filter the consent data for all of the domains in the workspace based on the start date and end date.

filter and refresh.jpg